Oradea Leadership Breakfast

Oradea Leadership Breakfast

Oradea Leadership Breakfast is a breakfast meeting with businesspeople, managers, and local professionals in the form of roundtable discussions. During each meeting we had a buasinessperson, teacher, or consultant from the United States of America as a special guest who shared his experience and expertise, which then facilitated a discussion on the subject.


Prof. univ. dr. Dan Dungaciu

Prof. univ. dr. Dan Dungaciu

 Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the University of Bucharest and Director of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Romanian Academy

dr. David HORNER

dr. David HORNER

Executive Director of the Non-Profit Organization “Equipped for Life”, successful author, and lecturer

dr. Roy Whitt

dr. Roy WHITT

Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Asset Answers

Varujan Pambuccian - Președintele comisiei de informatică din Parlamentul României


Member of the ITC Committee in the Parliament


Write us your e-mail address to let you know when we will organize the next Oradea Leadership Breakfast meeting
