GSMAC Academic Conference



Session one

Catalina Crisan

Social Entrepreneurship: perspectives and priorities

Stefan Zweifel

Unemployment and underemployment: The challenge of immigration and the solution of entrepreneurship

Lois Vaduva

Music therapy: Promoting culture and solving social problems

Session two

Philip Choban

Digital medical entrepreneurship: The story of Telios

Alexandrina Pauceanu

Geneva Business School

Entrepreneurship and the diaspora: Global models and Romanian possibilities

Robert Bogdanffy

Digital transformation: Harnessing technology for entrepreneurship and social improvement

What is GSMAC

GSMAC is the annual conference, organized by Griffiths School of Management and IT at Emanuel University of Oradea in collaboration with Cityside Education Association, where business knowledge and practice are brought together in a business setting for Romania. This unique event is dedicated to challenging and empowering businesspeople in Romania to take on their role as change agents and to create an environment that is undeniably needed to thrive.

The conference brings together representatives of the business and academic fields, civil society, and public administration to create integrated and applicable solutions. The conference also contains special sessions in which academic research is presented. Articles from the conference are published with Springer.

Conference History

2022 – 21st of January

The post-pandemic reality. New challenges and opportunities for growth

2015 – 7th of May

Development, funding and growth of organizations

2012 – 17th May

Romania’s place in the Global Economy

2017 – 11th of May

Well-being of civil, economic and social society

2014 – 15th of May

The ethics of business and leadership in a transdisciplinary context

2011 – 6th of May

The time of change: preparing for the comeback

2016 – 12th of May

Developing talent, growing organizations and creating a future

2013 – 21st of May

Developing entrepreneurship and creativity in the Romanian business environment

2010 – First GSMAC Conference

Crisis – an incentive for innovation


Share your e-mail address with us so we can let you know when we will organize the next GSMAC conference.
