

Within the master’s program at Griffiths School of Management and IT at Emanuel University of Oradea, we organize open lectures, dedicated to those interested in learning from experienced businesspeople about how they can also become successful businesspeople. During each meeting we had a businessperson, teacher, or consultant from the United States of America as a special guest who shared their experience and expertise, which then facilitated a discussion on the subject.

Event organized by Griffith Faculty of Management and IT at Emanuel University of Oradea


Varujan Pambuccian - Președintele comisiei de informatică din Parlamentul României

Dr. Varujan Pambbucian

Member of the ITC Committee in the Romanian Parliament

Robert D. Hisrich, Ph.D. - Chair of International Marketing and Associate Dean of Graduate and International Programs World-renowned expert and author on entrepreneurship

Dr. Robert Hisrich

Entrepreneur and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Kent State University

Dr. Adrian Ziderman

Dr. Adrian Ziderman

President of the International Network of Business & Management Journal Editors (INBAM)

Sebastian Vaduva

dr. Sebastian Văduva

Director of the Griffiths School of Management and IT at Emanuel University of Oradea

Mario Bruehlmann

Mario Brühlman

Management Consultant and Trainer

Adrian Cioroianu

Adrian Cioroianu

Executive Trainer at AC Knowledge

Jason Fisher - Serial Entrepreneur and Investor

Jason Fisher

Serial Entrepreneur and Investor


Write us your e-mail address to let you know when we will hold the next Masterclass
